A group of university graduates are raising their graduation caps.

6 Unconventional Career Advice for Fresh Graduates

August 31, 20234 min read

In a world flooded with career advice for fresh graduates, what you need to read is not another piece of article filled with generic tips. Instead, this article summarises 6 lesser-known tactics most pertinent to this fast-moving employment market in the age of digitization. They will help you stand out from the crowd and lead to more unique and impactful outcomes in your career.


1.      Find your dream by elimination

Let’s be honest. Not everyone has a dream, and not all university major leads you to a preset career path. You are not alone if you feel that choosing a career path is paralysing when you are just starting out. It is, however, relatively easier to choose what you would prefer to do over something else. Why not break down the roles into routines and tasks and eliminate the career options that involve the routines and tasks that you don’t like? For example, if you would rather spend time with people than numbers and paperwork, you may want to avoid roles such as accountant, programmers, clerks, etc. Most of the roles will eventually becoming more interesting at the end of the day but the process of getting there matters as much too.


2.      Be adaptable and say ‘Yes’ to opportunities

If you are the lucky ones who have set eyes on a specific career goal, don’t let your goal narrow your vision. Opportunities that don’t seem to be directly related to your career goals could be unknowingly adding value to your CVs. It is less likely for your career journey to follow a linear path nowadays. The World Economic Forum revealed that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be displaced and 97 millions new roles will emerge. Fixating on one existing role could be self-limiting and unrealistic. 


3.      Be an avid learner

Graduating from university doesn’t mean that one can stop learning. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Graduates can now take the driver’s seat in their learning and pick up the new skills needed as the industries evolve at a lightning speed. The fact that over half of the employees will require significant reskilling and upskilling by 2025 tells us that lifelong learning is inevitable in order to stay relevant. It’s time to carve out time for learning in your daily routines.   


4.      Network creatively

Networking shouldn’t be limited to attending formal events or conferences. Reaching out to professionals or potential mentors in your field via social media or LinkedIn could an effective way too. Yet,  the more creative you get, the easier it is for you to make an impression on your contacts. If you think you have tried everything, think again. Have you ever tried initiating a discussion on twitter that could potentially attract the people you want to connect with? Have you tried volunteering in charities that concern the people you concerned? Have you ever started your own events or campaigns that require endorsement from leaders in your field?


5.      Network quality over quantity

While accumulating contacts could bring you reach and visibility, it is ultimately the quality of the network that matters when it comes to career success and personal growth. Focus on networking with the people who shares similar interest, value, vision, and expertise as yours. And if ever they would offer you an opportunity, it is likely to be an opportunity that is aligned with your aspirations. Keeping a tighter network of trusted individuals who are genuinely interested in your success and well-being is more beneficial than a large network of superficial connections.


6.      Up your social media presence by narrating your unique story

Social media used for professional connections such as LinkedIn could be boring and monotonous as the platform is optimised for employers or agencies to quickly sift through information. Instead of only listing your employment history, which is usually quite scarce for fresh graduates, why not spice up your LinkedIn with your personal experience and stories, present your ideas or share what you have recently learnt. Narrative and storytelling are powerful ways to construct an authentic voice and drive meaningful engagement on social media.


The rapidly changing industries and levelling power of technologies provides unprecedented challenges as well as unique opportunities for all workers. As recruitment consultants, we are genuinely interested in your success. Our expertise in crafting your unique edge will make you a cut above the rest. Talk to our team members today!


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